Randy SiordiaRandy Siordia is a Certified instructor in Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do and Filipino Martial Arts – Kali. With 32 years training in the martial arts, Randy, Chief Instructor of Wolf Martial Arts, has trained with top instructors from different organizations and systems. Several instructors have had a great influence on Randy’s development and growth in the martial arts including: Ron Balicki, Joe Goytia, Rich Lamoureaux, Frank Cucci, Nicolas Saignac, Rick Faye and Dan Inosanto. Randy has been teaching since 1992, and currently teaches Seminars, Workshops, Private Lessons and Group Classes in Jeet Kune Do, Filipino Martial Arts (Kali – Escrima – Arnis), Maphilindo Silat, Muay Thai, Savate, and Grappling!
“I strive to help my students understand more than the technical aspects of each system by also teaching the history and culture. It’s important to have fun while learning so training doesn’t become such a chore.” –Randy Siordia
Check out this recent interview of Sifu Randy Siordia with Sifu Dwight Woods, discussing Jeet Kune Do and more!
With 30 years teaching experience, we offer you deep understanding in various martial arts disciplines! Train in Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do, Filipino Martial Arts, Maphilindo Silat, Muay Thai, Savate, and Grappling!
Clients Say
Instructor Randy keeps the spirit and intent of Jeet Kune Do and Kali alive as a real-world, practical, combative mixed martial art. He trains nationally and internationally with the best leaders in martial arts and shares this knowledge with his students.
Brian R.
Sifu Randy’s knowledge of Jeet Kune Do, Kali and boxing made me feel incredibly lucky to have him as my instructor. He’s very disciplined when it comes to teaching you. He explains what movements are and why they work. I can’t say enough great things about Sifu Randy as an instructor other than if you’re lucky enough to learn from him, take in as much as you can, become a sponge and be a better you.
EJ Papo R.
I’ve been training in various martial arts for over 40 years. I train with Randy because his knowledge of Kali and JKD is top notch!
John C.
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